Why does she have something to say in this quantum soup mix?

The why of this BLOG is to share the metaphysical solutions that worked for me.

How many of you have ever done something stupid? I am not talking about everyday ordinary dumbass. I am talking about abjectly life-changing stupid! Now, what I am going to do is tell you a little of my life story. Not because I want to do the me, me thing but because I am confident that at least someone has been as stupid as me or you know someone who has been that dumb at some time in their life. I did have a constant, profound question that haunted me most of my life. “If I am so DANG smart – how come I ain’t rich?”
I was born in 1940, and within a few short years, I began the foster home institution experience. At about age seven, my mother left my New York musician father, and we moved to Texas, where I resumed the foster home experience. My mother married my final stepfather when I was 11.   I finally stayed in one place only because at 13, I was required to work to pay rent so I would have a place to live until I could finish high school. We will jump forward to 1958 when I married a GOOD man who sadly suffered from severe depression, and we had three children in quick succession. I still had the ever-present question, just a different version “If I am so damn smart – How come I am In a situation where there is no hope?”
Our neighbor owned a metaphysical bookstore, and I began a lifelong journey in the study of metaphysics.   Around the 1970s, I became the Queen of Woo Woo, with a capital W.
Get this, and I know you have known this woman somewhere in your spiritual journey. I had big hair. I’m not talkin’ about Texas Big Hair; I am talking about “Rosanna Dana” big hair. I wore a purple caftan. I was very proud to know things other people didn’t. I could read palms and discern your past life. I was so metaphysical. I still didn’t know why if I was so dang smart – how come I wasn’t rich?
1975 came along, and I discovered I didn’t have the flu. I was pregnant. My older children were well into their teens, and now I had a new baby. Too busy for Woo Woo Woman. I had to pack her off to Whatwasithinking  Land.
The ’80s came along, and my husband died and left me with an insurance policy of $50,000.00, so naturally, I opened a restaurant.    Oh, yes, I did!     It wasn’t long before everything was going south.    In the kitchen of my restaurant, I had banners with the affirmations I had been studying. “Expect a miracle.” ‘Everything is flowing to me smoothly and easily.” I had about five affirmations on the walls, and every single one referred to something “out there” to rescue me!!!    I expected Jesus Christ to ride up on a white horse and save my butt.   Do you know where Jesus was?   You have probably seen the cartoon of some missionary guys knocking on a door, asking the lady of the house if she has found Jesus.   And you see Jesus’ little sandaled toes peeking out from behind the drapes.   I think Jesus was hiding behind my drapes, holding his head in his hands, thinking, “Not my circus, not my monkey.” 
The failure began the evolution of understanding the mechanics of the Universe. The indwelling Christ was right – Apparently, it was MY problem.
Oh my God, Failing hurts so bad, but like many horrid lessons, it opened the door to many blessings. 
At that time, I met my now husband, who, like me, had zero. He had also lost a business. We were so low we couldn’t jump off a penny.   We joined forces, and because he had been a minister in a traditional faith, we started attending church. He had been told about Unity, so we started attending,
  One of the first things we did was attend a prosperity workshop with Edwene Gaines. That was the turning point for us.  
 We believed the principles we were studying were correct. However, although we technically understood what we were looking for, we knew there was a lack of implementation within us. 
Like us, many on the Spiritual Path are missing the mark between understanding and implementation and are still living outside the “flow” in one way or another. So it was time to dissect my constant Spiritual questions: If I am so dang smart, how come I ain’t rich? “How come my meta-fiscal, meta-fizzled, and why ain’t truth workin’ for me?   
I now know that when we transition from the physical to the ethereal energy,  smart and rich can’t go with us. The angels that greet us will be weeping with joy that we were willing to make the earth walk and what does go with us is the expansion of our essence, compassion, and love that endures through time.  
We began with a small spiritual understanding that grew and grew over time as our interest in the energetic reasons behind the principles peeled away the surface clichés and learning to live truth set in. For me, being raised a wild heathen on the streets, I did not know the Bible, but I did come to this planet with an inborn spiritual perception. We took responsibility for our actions. Whatever problem is temporarily outforming in your life, health, finances, or relationships, the answer will always be a spiritual solution.    Maybe my experiences of learning an easier way to ‘chop wood and carry water’ will inspire you.
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