Ernest Holmes told us, There is but one mind, and that Mind is God.” You can call the thinking universe whatever you want, God, Source Energy – whatever. Did not Jesus the Christ call God, ABBA? Which translates to Daddy! This is giving a familial expression to God the Father. The point of surrender is where the comfort zone and the magic take place. You wouldn’t give your trust to some guy who strolls up and announces, “I’m your daddy.” No! But you would trust your true Father.

“The fact is, that the greatest discovery of all ages is that of physical science that discovered all things have their source in the invisible, intangible ether!” Matthew 17:20“I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Matthew 21:21. Everything is possible for him who believes.” Mark 9:23

Filmore tells us in The Atom Smashing Power of the Mind, “But Jesus said, ‘God is Spirit’; He also said, ‘The kingdom of God is within you.’ Science tells us that there is a universal life that animates and sustains all the forms and shapes of the universe. Science has broken into the atom and revealed it to be charged with tremendous energy that may be released and be made to give the inhabitants of the earth powers beyond expression when its law of expression is discovered.

The key here is that the kingdom of God is within you. What this is telling you is that you are ruler over your domain. Not ruler over your spouse or your children – they have their own space and their journey, but you are in control of yours. Edgar Cayce described this as being a “co-creator” with God, with God Mind. When you create you are giving action or putting feet to the creation.

When God animated your physical vehicle, that included your brain. The difference is your brain is a tool that resides in your body. You, your spirit, your soul resides in MIND. The animation, the breath of God places Mind in your cells. Let’s make it simple. This is like the little fish in the ocean. He has a physical body that breathes in water, water is all around him, in him, and through him. But because it is so natural, he doesn’t recognize it as Source Energy.

We have heard over and over. “Change your mind, change your life.” Well, that is the goal, changing your mind so that you reside every day in the strength of universal/super conscious/GOD mind. Mind is causative.  What this means is your prayer works! Your affirmations work: But aha – Your old tapes also work!

There is a story about a priest who was touring Chinatown in San Francisco and was looking in the shop windows at the vendors and passed by a tattoo shop. In the windows were various examples of what was offered. There were dragons and mermaids and word art like MOM and then in the corner was a placard with the phrase “Born to Lose.” Well, the priest was intrigued and went in to question the tattoo artist and asked just what kind of person would choose this – of all tattoos. The man responded, “Already in mind, before on body.” So, what tattoos are already in your mind that at this age you are still permitting to dwell within your body?

So right now I want you to dismiss whatever old tape you are burying within yourself and recognize that the person was simply revealing what they believed about themselves. At a soul level, no one means to hurt you. Dismissing old tapes that you hoard is essential. You have your hands on the switch. You are the allower or you are the resister. Observe your emotions they will tell you which you are. You cannot proceed until you throw out your self-causative trash that has you buried in the subconscious world. The hardest barrier line to cross is rising out of the barrier of the subconscious into a fully aware, active conscious life. The easiest barrier is crossing through the barrier to the Super-conscious God/Mind That is what happens when you break through the barrier from the conscious world to the super-conscious/ God Mind. You slip into your new expression like silk.

To connect with the energy that creates worlds and to flow it toward your objects of attention is how you create. Not because the objects of attention are important, but because the act of directing the flow is essential to your spiritual growth. The goal is not the object it is the journey to the object. So this is what new thought teaches about Mind-Action. Source Energy, Mind, God is intimately, infinitely, always responding to your requests, no matter how great or small they may be deemed by you or anyone else who is observing them.


ACIM tells us there is no size in a miracle. It is just as easy to create a big one as a small one. It is the journey of creation – that is what is important. You are the ruler of your dominion and you are with God.   Rev. Pat



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