Purpose is the recognition of something sacred within us and the choice of vocation or avocation consistent with that holy presence.   Purpose is the rudder of our earthly vehicle. “The greatest thing in this world is not where we stand as in what direction we are moving.” Goethe; “Purpose provides the direction.”

I began to think about my purpose: who am I? What am I meant to be?   Am I trying to do it?   The answers are elusive and slippery. I took this as a challenge to define my life! This is not easy. Women especially experience the Mary/Martha syndrome. We want to simultaneously sit at the feet of the Master and listen and learn as we want to try to live, “Master of all is the servant of all. So, I began to fine-tune ways to discover my purpose and came up with four insights.


Observe yourself:     Which part of periodicals do you read regularly?   Which TV specials are you drawn to watch?     Which part of your organization’s plans interests you? Victor Frankel points to 3 ways to make a living work:     Doing a deed:  Look at what you are physically creating and if you are fulfilled with that creation.    Experiencing a value: Are your actions congruent with your core value system? If you are doing something counterproductive to this value system, the outforming in your body is one of dis-ease.    Suffering:  I had a hard time with this one because I did not want to suffer. Yet I have! In New Thought, as we learned from Ram Dass, we know that suffering is to teach us that we don’t have to. But sometimes, it takes suffering and crisis to reassess our lives and reinvent ourselves. 


What are my gifts, and how can I best give them to the world? “Know this – playing small does not serve the world!” Marianne Williamson. Bust out or rust out – it’s a choice.    Most of us know our gifts; we can ask ourselves those same identifying questions we just asked. Early in life, we think some talents are more valuable to society, and we let go of the ones buried inside. Sometimes, old tapes play inside our heads, and they take dominance. As parents who do the best we can at the time, we inflict shortfalls on our children. But as a child, I learned it is my responsibility not to listen to the old tapes. Every act counts. But the engine of passion about what you do makes you happy and healthy. And without your gifts, the world is a poorer place.


Have you heard the saying, “Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well?” The emphasis may be on the wrong thing. Maybe the question to yourself should be, “What is worth doing?” What is worth doing with your daily energy allotment?

OVERCOME YOUR SELF-PLACED LIMITATIONS: You don’t have to try to be original; you already are. True purpose is for “special” people.       You are never too busy for passion. Discover Solitude: Al Fahden, author, inventor, and creativity consultant, is focusing his quest to find a calling into which he can pour his creative gifts. He firmly believes that his purpose today is to be “a doorway to the changing world,” but he is unsure exactly what that means.   A heavy question.   In this alone time, he developed a system of questions and answers to ensure he remained on point.

  DISCOVER SOLITUDE:        Solitude is as necessary as breath, but how do we achieve it?   Meditation is essential to listening to your truth. Use your affirmations at this alone time. Maybe your alone time is in the car or jogging.C.   Alone time enables you to plan your day and prioritize.

I challenge you to prepare and identify what you want to be transmuted by this awareness of your passions. When you do and get ready to walk on water, please remember to get out of the boat. 

Rev. Pat

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