I mulled over this topic of spiritual evolution way before the COVID-19 chaos and political turmoil. Now, everything we do is influenced by this planet-wide combined human experience. I’ve contemplated and meditated on the question: What is this outforming of shared experience? This combined experience is too vast to be “bad luck.” If we as individuals on a spiritual path go through spiritual evolution, then it follows that we, as humans, collectively,  as one light and as one energy, also evolve.

As new thought students, we must not contribute to the energy barrier called THE BLAME GAME. This planetary event is humankind’s destiny, and we only postpone the finale by contributing negative energy barriers. If we involve ourselves in blame and criticism or glee in the downfall of our protagonists, we become participants in karma rather than observers.

What I think is happening here is that we are going through a ‘breaking up’ to get to a ‘breaking through.’ This chaos is humanity’s “dark night of the soul” experience that always precedes evolutionary growth, only now it is the entire human race rather than individual development. Yet we know that what we do as individuals affects the whole. We will come out on the other side as changed beings. The human race is being moved from 3rd-dimensional beings into 4th and 5th-dimensional beings. How we do things will differ; we will be tuned into a higher receptivity to Source.

I invite you all to consciously participate in the united ascension and choose to send light and love into the darkness.

Rev. Pat


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