The above is part of the conversations in my head since Nov. 6, 2024. No wonder I self-imposed a sabbatical from EVERYTHING. No writing, public speaking, monkey mind thinking, and most importantly– NO MEDIA!!! I had become, in my stages of grief, enmeshed in the physical world. I was sucked into my own opinions; after all, I am the center of my universe. Like we say in Texas, I was a hog rolling in its own slop.
Here I was, a spiritual being expressing the lowest energetic vibration, building upon and adding to the collective negativity. WTF? It didn’t take a nanosecond for me to revert. (I’m hoping that maybe y’all identify with my plight just a little.)
We are the center of our universe; therefore, we have only the moral, ethical, and spiritual right to change ourselves and affect the collective universe. Ta Da—thus, we affect change.
Intent is the criteria for our end-of-life review; mistakes are just the pop quiz. After much inner work, I realized that my pondering why intimate family and friends made different choices than mine was my judgment. Their intent was to choose a certain path that might help humanity improve. We all were influenced by our peers and could have researched and done more critical thinking.
Dramatic change is coming, one way or another. It is our pop quiz. Will we choose to look at the holy or perpetuate divisiveness? This is what the ascension of consciousness will be—to be responsible for our spiritual evolution, let that light radiate out from our centers, and add to the brilliance.
Rev. Pat, [email protected]