Chakras are energy centers of your body that correlate to various organs.  Chakra is the Sanskrit word meaning wheel or disc. Chakras are a  spinning vortex of energy.

There are colors that represent each Chakra, there are life passages and spiritual evolvement that are also associated.   As you begin to learn about these, you will find that that information assists in navigating your journey.   

I began to study the basic idea of Chakras to assist in my desire to be a channel of healing energy for myself and others.  Because I learned the color representing each basic chakra, I could use that knowledge in trying to intuit the underlying source of imbalance within the body.   

To assist in my desire to be an instrument of healing energy, I learned the colors representing each Chakra and the dominant purpose.  While I rarely see actual energy, I could scan the body, the Chakras, and knowing the colors associated with each one, if any appeared muddy in my mind’s eye, I could determine a causal reason associated with the disorder.

Another thing I observed was that when I met a person, I might feel a tingling in my own Chakras, indicating the primary purpose of meeting this individual.  


These are the life lessons associated with each chakra. We begin with the “Root” Chakra, located at the base of your spine.         Going through these passages we use the fuel or energy from the prior passage to illuminate the next one as we grow towards spiritual maturity.  

I HAVE:   This is the densest passage we grow through.  Like every stage of learning it offers positive and negative values.  Here we learn ‘roots’ from the saying “All you can give your child is roots and wings.”  This is where we learn balance for without the density of roots we would fly too close to the sun and burn up.         

I FEEL:  The key to this passage is emotion, from the Latin – to move.         After passing through the prior basic consciousness you enter the area of feeling.  You leave the place where survival is secured and move into the arena of sexuality and pleasure.    As you evolve you move from self-awareness to greater sensitivity to the needs of others.  As you grow in spiritual understanding you move from sympathy (which buys into and reinforces the perception of need) to empathy which gives you compassion.  

I CAN: It is in this passage that we begin to reject the lessons from the prior experiences that no longer serve us.  This is the birth of becoming an individual.    This is where we learn about free will and grow into the responsibilities associated with growth.  We learn what brings us control over nature and to bring creativity into manifestation.  

I LOVE:   This is the heart center, where you transmute the physical lessons from the lower three chakras and elevate them to the understanding of the three higher spiritual centers. We move from possessive love to unconditional love.  

I SPEAK-COMMUNICATE:   At the beginning of human presence on the earth, we communicated in grunts coming from an instinctive place until the communicated word evolved into an eloquence that can move us or slay us.            Sound and communication are essential for the expansion of consciousness.    For the evolving consciousness, we begin to understand that the undergirding force that gives communication power is the purity of intent and purpose.  

I SEE – PERCEIVE:   One of the symbols often associated with this chakra is the “third eye”.  This reminds us to look further than the box we have created for ourselves; to “see” the truth of what is occurring, to look beyond the visible, to look for our soul purpose.         

I KNOW:    This is the uppermost energetic center.  This is the place where you go to contact the Divine and talk to God.  This is the place where you received that unexplainable knowing. 

          You can do it the easy way or the hard way.  The Edgar Cayce readings tell us that meditation eliminates the need for 10,000 lifetimes.  So I encourage each of you to meditate and consciously send this purifying energy upward through each of these energetic centers.  God energy does refine and redirect. 

Rev. Pat



Chakra one, located at the base of the spine is associated with survival.  Its element is Earth.

Chakra two, located in the lower abdomen is associated with emotions and sexuality.  Its element is Water. 

Chakra three, located in the solar plexus, is associated with personal power and metabolic energy.  Its element is Fire. 

Chakra four, located over the sternum, is associated with love.  Its element is Air. 

Chakra five, located in the throat, is associated with communication and creativity.  Its element is Sound. 

Chakra six, located in the center of the forehead, is associated with clairvoyance, intuition, and imagination.  Its element is Light. 

Chakra seven, located at the top of the head, is associated with knowledge and understanding.  Its element is Thought.

 Rev. Pat


When you see a person or an illustration of being seated in the “Lotus” position,  the subject is sitting on the earth with their legs folded in a cross position with the anus energy connecting to the earth energy, therefore drawing up that energy into the body. 

  • The first Chakra is known as the root chakra and is symbolized by red.
  • This energy center is located at the base of your spine between the genitals and the anus.
  • Your journey begins here – it is the foundation of the building block upon which all the other building blocks rest. This Chakra represents form and solidity in its most condensed matter.
  • This center is located closest to the earth and becomes synonymous with planted and harvested seeds. The seeds of fears and societal laws are buried here. 
  • This is the space we occupy when our emotions are at their most primitive level. It is where we play the “tapes” of our lives that our family instilled within us.
  • This is the most dense passage we grow through. Like every stage of learning, it offers positive and negative values. Here, we learn ‘roots’ from the saying, “All you can give your child is roots and wings.”  This is where we know the balance, for without the density of roots, we would fly too close to the sun and burn up.   Because we are living in a physical body – the rules of the game are to be able to ensure our survival before we can proceed.
  • At its most basic level, this is where we absorb the information from childhood that impacts our subconscious throughout life.
  • In our spiritual growth, we can be at the level of a two-year-old who only knows “MINE.”  This is where we pass from the kingdom of thing-dom to a place of detachment. We grow from I have – to place in the consciousness of to have. This is where it is lovely to have beautiful surroundings, but we are not attached to any illusion of power or permanence we might perceive that they have.            Rev. Pat


This energy center is located just below your naval and above your genitals and is represented by the color orange. Our creativity, sexuality, power, and relationships are associated with this area located at the navel level and below. This corresponds to the sacral vertebrae and the nerve ganglion called the sacral plexus. 

If your body’s reactions originate here, look to these attributes for things to address in your quest for abundant life. 

You are traveling the Chakra Road, leaving the place of reaction to the beginning step of conscious action. You are building on the tools you acquired in the root chakra. This is what we do in meditation. With intentional breathing, we lift our energy through the Chakra, cleansing each one before breathing the next breath through the next Chakra. Your chakra road map has now traveled from a place of pure reaction to a beginning step of action. You are building on the learned tools of Chakra. You are now a creator. You are beginning to acquire the things you feel you need for survival. Stuff, individual relationships,  money – all you think you need to be secure.  


The third chakra is located in the solar plexus. Yellow is the color associated with this chakra. It represents our ‘get up and go’ actions, will, and vitality. There is a movement to disperse, accessible, and divest matter of its constricting structure. In this passage, we begin to reject the lessons from the prior experiences that no longer serve us. This is the birth of becoming an individual. This is where intent originates. At the third level, you begin to change your viewpoint and feel responsible for change. 

You are now moving up the chakra road map, leaving behind the embedded reactionary influences of chakras one and two. Now, you can make conscious changes to the influences that may have sabotaged your progress. The purpose of our saboteur is to ensure our safety. In this passage, we begin to reject the lessons from the prior experiences that no longer serve us. This is the birth of becoming an individual.

The physical response associated with this chakra is activity. Remember butterflies in your stomach? Pay attention if your automatic response arises from your solar plexus and discover the hidden message your body is giving you.   

Bring in your spirit, break away from the tribe, and establish your INTENT for the future. Put your plan into action. Find out what your desire requires of you and implement your path.   You are now lifting the two prior chakras and reorganizing and reassigning the information and energy. You are actively replacing old habits with new ones more harmoniously with your intent. 

 This is where we learn about free will and grow into the responsibilities associated with growth. We know what brings us control over nature and brings creativity into manifestation. 


Right here, I want to pause between the lower and heart chakras related to our physicality. This pause is symbolic of our growth as humans living Earth life. It is time for reflection.   We have energetically passed upwards from the root chakra, where we grew from the most basic tribal consciousness to learning to make choices and be creative humans.

Edgar Cayce, The Sleeping Prophet, said in a reading that meditation can eliminate hundreds if not thousands of lifetimes. We grow each lifetime in our understanding, and the lesson will imprint on our minds to move past a lesser awareness of our proper role in moving past tribal consciousness and choices and raising our expression of our creativity.

In a guided meditation, someone might say, “Imagine the infinity symbol standing on end; that figure 8. Breathe deeply, and with your intent and your breath, lift the energy from the base of your spine, heart center, throat, and brain center and out through the crown of your head, contacting the Divine.   Exhale, letting go of anything that does not feel like God. Bring the energy back in through your brain, throat, and heart center. Bring that cleansed energy down through your naval to the base of your spine. Repeat this cleansing breath, sending the energy on a repeated journey.    With each journey of breath, you are uplifting your energy, understanding more, and expressing higher intent. You are blessed. Amen”

Let us now go to an awareness of the heart center, the liaison, the peacemaker.   Rev. Pat


You have just traveled out of the Chakras connected to the physical plane and are now entering the liaison Chakra, the gateway to higher consciousness. The color representing this Chakra is green. It is here you learn lessons in Love, Forgiveness, and Compassion.

This center plays the role of an alchemist, transforming the dross of the physical lessons of Chakras 1, 2, and 3 with the purity of love. This magician transforms the lessons learned so they will not become embedded in your physical vehicle and your body, mind, or soul. I think of this Chakra as the liaison Chakra, the diplomat, taking the harsh lessons of the physical, transforming those lessons through love, and taking them to the higher consciousness of the spiritual.

We have reached the central point of the Chakra System. This is our core, the inner spirit that unites all the other forces from above and below, within and without. The heart chakra is the center of love. The love we experience at the heart chakra level distinctly differs from the more sexual and passionate love of the second Chakra. 

At the fourth Chakra, love is no longer object-dependent because it is felt within as a state of being.   It should have evolved to a state of deep peace.   It is no longer the love of need or desire. As we lift the energy in meditation, our needs will be fulfilled or transformed.


 Chakra five is the center of sound vibration and self-expression. It is the realm of consciousness that controls, creates, transmits, and receives communication, both within ourselves and between each other. Communication is the art and process of transmitting and receiving information through a symbolic representation of a pattern. In the fourth chakra, we became aware of patterns. In the fifth chakra, we symbolize these patterns for storage and use in the brain. 

As we direct our energy upward, we take another step away from the physical. Communication is our first level of physical transcendence. At a physical level, we could make a phone call from here to New York. It only takes a few minutes, costs little, and the limitations of time and space have been suspended. At an energy level, we are becoming acclimated to communicating with the Higher Power, costing little and suspending the limitations of time and space. 

It is interesting to note that the cross is thought to be a symbol of this chakra. The crosspiece’s horizontal structure represents physical opposition to surrendering to communication from the higher power. When synchronized to the Divine, the crosspiece rotates vertically to uninhibited flow.

Communication is an act of connection and is one of the uniting principles of the upper charkas. It can be seen as a symbolic system occupying the meeting point between the abstract and the manifested ideal.

As associated with the fifth chakra, the ether can be equated with the all-encompassing and unifying field of subtle vibrations throughout the universe. Any vibration, be it a sound wave or a dancing particle, is in contact with the other vibrations, and all vibrations can and do affect each other. The principle of connectivity is the essence of this center.



                 This chakra is associated, though not synonymous, with the third eye, an etheric organ of psychic perception that floats between our two physical eyes.    This “third eye” can be considered a tool for this chakra.   Chakra six is the center of “seeing” related to the element of light.    When we lose our prejudice over what things should be, we see them as they are. We can perceive infinite choices when we see beyond the limits of either/or.

                               The gamut of visual and psychic ability can run from those highly observant of the physical world to those incredibly observant of the physical world to those gifted in psychic perception.

                Unlike the five previous charkas, which are situated in the lower body, the brow chakra is located “in” the brain. Therefore, its nature is more mental than any charkas studied thus far. It is related to the tiny pineal gland, often called the “seat of the soul” by Rene Descartes and others. The pineal is a mystery to modern science. It reaches the height of its development at age seven and has been thought to influence the maturation of the sex glands. Embryologically, the pineal gland is derived from an actual third eye that develops early in the embryo and later degenerates. In some species of reptiles, it still forms a kind of light-sensitive perceptual organ resembling another eye.

                The Hindus feel the purpose of this charka is to perceive and later to command. Our visual perceptions must be translated into other forms, such as language, actions, or emotions before they become objectively tangible. The progression is that after things are perceived and lifted into meditation, we can become objective and command what is in “our space.”



It is thought that the seventh Chakra, called the “crown” chakra,  is the seat of enlightenment, the center and source of consciousness itself. This state of consciousness was seen as something beyond reason, beyond the senses, and the limits of the world around us.   

The element of this Chakra is thought to be a fundamentally distinct and unmeasurable entity that is the first and barest manifestation of the greater field of consciousness around us. Accordingly, the function of this Chakra is knowing, just as other chakras relate to seeing, speaking, doing, or feeling.    It is thought that through the Crown Chakra, we reach into the infinite body of “information” and run it through our knowledge process. 

The term “cosmic consciousness,” often used to describe the crown chakra, refers to awareness of cosmic order. In meditation, we are one with cosmic order when we lift the energy through the crown and outward. The cosmic consciousness of the crown chakra can be roughly divided into two types: that which descends and becomes concrete information and that which expands and travels outward toward more abstract planes.    This Chakra’s descending or lower portion is more oriented to cognitive consciousness. The ascending or upward portion of the seventh Chakra is transcendent consciousness. 

Some say that this Chakra is the seat of the soul, an eternal and dimensionless point of awareness that stays with us throughout our lifetimes. Others say it is the point through which the divine spark enters the body and brings intelligence. It is the master processor of all awareness, the gateway to worlds beyond and worlds within. It is the dimensionless circumference that encompasses all that is. However, when we describe it, we must remember that its scope is far greater than words can convey.



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