Before you can even grasp the tremendous power of intent, you must first grapple with the idea of being part of the Divine. Whoa! Wait a minute!   This is hard, especially when you come from a background of stark traditionalism.

OK. First things first.   How can we accept the literal truth of Biblical fragments of condemnation from the Old Testament and turn around and relegate such truths as “in the image and likeness of God” as metaphors? We have been given the description that being part of God’s consciousness is as though we are drops of water in the ocean that is God. Or, as Eric Butterworth described it, “We are like a crumb in the cupcake of God.   The energy that holds together the ‘neutrons, protons, and electrons is God. The energy that holds us together is also God.   Can you get the hugeness of this?  

This awareness of being part of the Divine is where we come from when making choices. Imagine the power we harness when we begin to make choices with the conscious intent of expressing our God nature, honoring our birthright of true goodness. The wisdom in the Bible’s creation story and other religions notes that creation began at the thought level: “And God said, let there be…” 

When we grasp this understanding, we can never again choose to be a victim or without power. In Wholeness and the Implicate Order, author and physicist David Bohm notes that any particle can communicate instantaneously with any other particle anywhere in the universe. We can start fresh to old interactions, knowing that the “protagonist” is as much a particle of the Divine as we are. With the conscious intent of love, that vibration infiltrates because there is no separation.   We have no choice but to begin taking the baby steps of ‘co-creating.’ Our lives begin at the thought level and we use the power of conscious intent. Rev. Pat 

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