“You are the vibrational writers of the script of your life, and everyone else in the Universe is playing the part that you have assigned to them.” Abraham-Hicks. What this means is that you are in charge of the show. You ARE the producer, director, casting director, stage manager, prop guy, actor, and scriptwriter. How could you possibly feel that someone else is running your life?    This is your play, and if you don’t like the show that is running, Change it. Exercise creative control. It is your inherent right to change!

So, this director, this liaison part of you, needs a character AND the supporting characters to fulfill the requirements of your play. What does he do? He calls it Central Casting (the part of you that is your magnetic energy).

THE PRODUCER: is the part of YOU that knows the unknown. He is the final decision maker. The producer knows your soul story and the variables and gives the last yay or nay. This is our “over soul,” where the decision-making power resides and springs into action when your personality and body issue instructions. This is where we are closest to God. Yet these are all part of us. Ashley Brilliant told us, “Life is the only game where you learn the rules as you go along?” So this is about the rules of the game and how you strategize for the win.

I guess Shakespeare was a great metaphysician because he understood the process. In his play, “As You Like It,” he said,” All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players;


You are made up of many parts, including the physical body. The body is built around the personality you have chosen in this life. This facilitates life lessons. It comes with the option to change.

So you get a call from Central Casting for a character in a part that is a highly paid executive. An actor prepares for the audition and will use their body as an instrument. An actor knows how to manufacture Charisma. Because singers have been trained in voice and breath control, they automatically emit a charismatic quality. Visualize this: an uninflated balloon, then imagine a balloon into which someone has breathed air.   That is what we do in meditation; we ‘breathe deeply,’ filling our bodies with the universal life force.   We pump it up.    

THE SCRIPTWRITER:  Change your story.

The question is, “What appears to be the part you are auditioning for? Do you even know?   Look in the mirror. What is your posture, your dynamics in life, your garments? Rewrite your script. Let me give you an example. We all know this woman. A woman who has been abused and leaves the abuser will invariably cast another abuser into her script UNTIL she rewrites her script of self-worthiness.

Winston S. Churchill — ‘History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it.’

Stuff happens.   Like little cat feet creeping up on me – I GOT OLD!            Women like me, of a certain age, had role models of folks becoming dead non-entities 20 years before the event. My inner voice cried, BS! I refuse to grow old-I am going to grow BOLD! It was time for a rewrite of my script. I got involved in activities;   now, if my family wants me, I must check my calendar. I wear all the bright colors I can because I refuse to fade into invisibility; the whole purpose of the rewrite is to make the inner director believe you are suitable for the part.

SET DESIGNER AND PROP GUY: Creating the atmosphere reinforces the story. They are subliminally changing your consciousness with design, color, and lighting. In life, it is:  FAKE IT ‘TILL YOU MAKE IT.

You are now actually on stage in the play. In the arena of life.   The set is designed to suggest the status of life. The script calls for you to go to the table by the door, pick up your car keys, exit, and stage left. Well, the prop guy didn’t place the keys on the table. You, the actor, panic and stall,  interrupting the magic of the play.   OOPS. We are each given, let’s say, 100 units of energy each day. As the prop guy,  If you don’t put the keys where they belong, you’ve given away 20 units of energy rummaging around looking for the blasted keys. Wouldn’t you rather accumulate and spend the energy points as you choose? These are tools for life, and they are free. You can use them immediately.

So when you have picked out the part in life you want and stepped into that character, never break the illusion. Until you choose to create a new persona, and if your antenna or energy body senses too much or too little and you decide to alter your persona, you choose to change. Don’t worry; folks won’t remember the old you any more than they remember the Oscar winners of 1999. Get ready; there will always be another opening, another show. You have auditioned, been cast, and rehearsed on the appropriate stage set, with the props where they should be, and it is opening night. You have chosen the part in life you want to express. You have learned the body language of the character, and you have created costuming. You have learned how to call up from the center of your physical instrument the expression of your life force. It is, after all, your show. 

The most profound lesson you can learn in this life is that you have choices.   Your whole existence flows in a universal process.   This process always flows from within to without. And when your curtain closes, I pray that it is with no regrets that you have used all your inner voice and that no music will be left unplayed. 

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