Before you became incarnate as this disguise of a bag of flesh, bones, and skin you were a field of energy.  You are still a field of energy, just in disguise. Everything is a vibrating field of energy. 

The physical body is simply a ‘school uniform.’   The lessons you are here to learn are tied to your disguise.  Remember the soul is formless.  Your color, your gender identity, your sexual orientation….whatever you are displaying simply facilitates your role as a learner of lessons or a teacher of lessons.   

This is our disguise – Matter.  It may be a momentary manifestation but by golly it sure as heck feels real.  Illusory as it is, Matter is part of our Earth School.   I think it is 8th grade.  It is a gift to learn about our mastery.  We are not our bodies, we are a field of energy.  We call it the soul, spirit, God, Universe.  Whatever you call it, it is our ultimate truth, and knowing this is the first step in our healing and becoming a healing channel.  It is because the Spirit of God is incarnated in us that we have dominion over the world of effects.

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