(Before I start, let me give credit. I am writing today, inspired by a talk from KerryK, Plasma Light Tribe.)
Energetically, if you don’t let yourself dream, you are, by default, setting up a resistance to your potential self. Those fleeting moments of “what ifs” are the voice of the Divine speaking to you, trying to get your attention. The Source of this voice knows all you are; The all-knowing Source knows your highest consciousness. Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; Jeremiah 1.5.
When you get an idea, that idea is a fragment of the dream, that encouragement from Source. That idea is a portal to a powerful future on so many levels. We all need to stop being loyal to the past and start being loyal to our future selves. To start being loyal to what could emerge. Maybe you hear your angel’s voice saying, “It is no longer what you could do, what you should do. It is time to jump into what is overdue.”
We (me), for a period of time, lived in fear of the future. When I returned to right thinking, the clarity of what I had always known became evident. Fear and bitching kept me at my smallest self. It was time to stop feeding the dragon.
It is so easy to live in our ‘comfort zones’; however, those comfort zones are building blocks of resistance. Are we willing to continue living in a negative space, or is now the time to step into the lightness of BEING? Rev. Pat