Warriors of Light, Remember the Mission

We humans get so caught up in our viewpoint. We are frightened for our future because of what we are seeing. We live through the consequences of humans enforcing their versions of what is right. We do not know how we are contributors to our demise. It is not about rights and wrongs or the battle of good vs evil.   It is about the energetic forces of Light and dark.

Let me paint a word picture.    Imagine Lady Liberty holding the scales of Justice.   Dangling from the handle she is holding are two trays, constantly in motion, one lifting and one going lower. This time, however, on one tray is a crystal cylinder holding Light, the brightest Light. On the other tray is a slop jar. If you are too young to know what that is, it is a clay vessel my granny kept under the bed to hold human excrement because it was too dark to go to the “outhouse.”  These vessels are both nearly full. Which one will we fill first?

 Most of you are no different than me, falling to your knees in grief, blame, or fear.    Every time we let fear or rage take us over, we are filling that imaginary slop jar.   Every time we choose to hold the Light, visualize peaceful outcomes, or consciously take our focus away from the media promoting chaos, ta-da!!! We are feeding the vessel of Light.   

Light Workers, let’s get up, get off the floor, and consciously choose. That is why Warriors of the Light are here.


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