My husband and I planned to go from Fort Worth to Waxahachie to help our daughter haul some furniture. We were in his ratty old construction pickup truck, but we needed a tool, so we were at Home Depot when it opened early in the morning so we could be at her home at the appointed time. We went in, purchased the tool, and returned it to the pickup, but it didn’t start. It is not even 7 a.m. yet. We try again. Nope-won’t start and we are beginning to panic because we said we would be there by 8 a.m. It is way too early for a mechanic to be in the shop. Oh man, we are beginning to sweat.
What should happen? A small guy, dressed in a khaki shirt and jeans and…holding jumper cables, walks in front of our truck, heading to the giant monster pickup parked adjacent to us. My husband jumped out and asked the guy if he could give us a jump. “Sure,” he said, and he proceeded to do so. Didn’t work. Our truck was dead, dead, dead. He then said, “Maybe it’s a fuse; let me check. I’ve got some fuses in my truck.” He replaced a fuse, but it didn’t work. Dead, dead, dead. And then he said, “I’m a diesel mechanic, let me try something else.´ So he goes to his truck, grabs a dolly, and rolls under our truck. What’s the chance? He pokes his head out and says, “Yeah, I think I’ve got it. I’ve got the part in my truck.” Again, what’s the chance? He gets the part and replaces the old part and BAM, Old Rusty (our truck) starts. Of course, my husband paid him for the part and his kindness. We were more than grateful.
The Home Depot Angel’s parting statement was, “You know, I didn’t intend to come here today, but I thought I’d stop in and get the sales brochure and buy some new jumper cables.” We still call forth blessing on our Home Depot Angel.
This is what I mean by living in the flow and the vivid evidence that God, Energy, or whatever you call the Source has got you. This all happened before dawn. This was not chance. We were so moved that we had to pull over and weep in gratitude. We were rightfully awestruck.
Rev. Pat

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