Sometimes, we neglect what often seems the most difficult person to love – ourselves. You may as well begin to love that person because you surely cannot get away!

It is time to get that same old gal or guy into shape and become the beloved. Unless we put our thoughts, habits, and behaviors into regular prayer and reflective practices, we will live unchanging lives. Necessary internal healing and change do not happen despite us; they happen because of us.

If we want to find a new and improved person going with us wherever we go, we need to engage in inner discovery regularly. I am convinced that the Divine in us will spring forward every chance it gets, but we must be the ones to open the door and invite the Divine into our beings. Rev. Pat Moore.

Affirmation for today. “I am God’s beloved light in my world, and I illuminate every path wherever I go, bringing my good into every circumstance. I value and enjoy the Divine person that I am. I let go of all thought patterns and habits that do not serve me so that my true “I” is fully present.”

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