You create it all, absolutely! You speak beliefs into structure every day. Your words, the “spoken word,” are the manifestation tool you use for the day-to-day creation of your reality. Each waking moment, you fashion your reality from your beliefs and ideas about reality and your beliefs, ideas, and judgments about who you are in relationship to that reality.

How you create your reality is not some miracle. It is pretty simple, simple physics. The nature of your beingness is that you are composed of electromagnetic energy. All that you are whirls and twirls at a particular frequency. When you are in a place of joy, when you are in a place of laughter, when you are in a place of focusing without any negative judgment on what you are doing in your day-to-day existence, the vibration of your frequency allows desires to flow to you. You become like a grand tuning fork that sings with positive energy. Likewise, if you affirm ideas and beliefs that are not beneficial, then the Infinite Creative Law will go into action and give you precisely what you have declared. Anywhere there is a reaction of dislike, anger, negativity, or frustration, there is also “creation.”

Become aware of what we say that falls off our tongues without thought. Become aware that it does not reinforce those negative ideas and beliefs you want to change. “How are you today?” “Not bad.” “You are a pain in the neck or a pain in the butt.” Look at the words you say each day, especially when you are speaking about the things you want to change (like money) when you are talking to others. Look at how you reinforce the idea that there is not enough, that something is never there when you need it, and so on. The universe listens to us in every moment because we were created in the image and likeness of God. We are creators, and every time we speak out loud, that Truth will be delivered. Pay attention to what you say. The power of your words is incredible. The power of your words creates reality.

Remember, you only have now. The place of transformation is now. The place of change is now. Begin in the isness of your world. All you want or need, whatever you desire, is waiting for you. Speak to it! Cultivate the thoughts, ideas, and words that bring them to you. Don’t just “speak your mind,” consciously speak your Creative Reality-Rev. Pat

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