This message is for me because a family member has called me out on my unthinking words and how they hurt people.   This person I view as my teacher.  So for the last couple of years, I have begun to retrain myself.    For me and all of you too, we grow.   We are indeed spiritual beings having a human experience.


Words are just one of the energetic expressions that we can direct.   The message is to understand that we are Quantum Energy and have the power to direct our lives.  The most important thing I want to share with you today is WE CAME TO EARTH TO EXPERIENCE WHAT WE ARE NOT!!!!   The whole Life Journey is to remember the truth of our Divinity. 

Scientific data tells us that consciousness exists before birth and after death.  Consciousness is Causal!!  This is why we are talking about our words.  If consciousness is causal then it follows that we direct non-local consciousness by our words and by our intent.

This is from an article on Quantum physics. “Quantum physics long ago determined that physical matter doesn’t exist, that everything is just energy in different states of vibration. And so, it seems life is more of an energy flow than a collection of solid things. What that means for us is that if we stay conscious of the energy we contain, based on the emotions we feel, we can make deliberate choices that alter our frequency and create the realities we desire. If we’re feeling down about something, we can choose to reframe the situation and raise our own spirits. If you can’t think of a word, say “I forgot the English word for it.”  That way people will think you’re bilingual instead of an idiot.

Now what does that scientific stuff have to do with words?   Well, the words we speak are invisible.   They bring energetic change to the one who speaks the word and to the one who hears the word.

I once had an opportunity to see words.  Forty-plus years ago I was a single mom, living in an apartment when the doorbell rang and it was one of my girlfriends stopping by to ask me to pray with her about her teenage daughter. (Go figure, huh?   Anyone who has had a teenager knows there is a whole lot of praying going on.)  Suddenly the lights in the whole neighborhood went out, so we went out on the tiny balcony and began to pray.   Somehow the light of the moon made the perfect environment to see the colors around my friend and to see foggy, misty, ribbons of color emanating from her mouth, flowing into the cosmos.  The purity of this vehicle of prayer was going forth into the universe to affect change.   It was a holy moment.  This emphasized how powerful our words are.   I saw the energy of my friend’s words.   The energy is always there, yet I never saw it until the conditions were right.

We have self-defeating conversations with ourselves every day.   How many times a day do we throw our words away? We say things like, “I hate my hair,” “I’m so stupid,” “I’m such a klutz.” In the local consciousness, we never think that these words bring negative energy into our vibration and affect us on a physical level, but they do. Ancient scriptures tell us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. As it turns out, that’s not a metaphor.  Words, as our energetic rudder, also direct how we receive abundance in our finances and relationships.


Since COVID, the world feels like the spiritual foot has been put on the accelerator and it has.  Everything is speeding up, forcing us to become aware.  We came here, the earth plane to experience what we are not and to remember who we are, powerful spiritual beings having human experiences.  Learning and controlling the energy of words is something we can do, right now, where we are.   Here are a few ideas that we can implement in harnassing our words

No Name-Calling or Self-Criticism.

Stop All Self-Deprecation.

Go on a Negativity Diet.

Boost the Positive Energy of Words.

Surround yourself with positive, uplifting words.

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