Much of what new thought teaches about thankfulness or gratitude seems to have been distilled down to clichés. Keeping a gratitude journal or being thankful draws more to you. You know, that sort of information.

     In “RevealingWord,” Charles Filmore writes that all metaphysicians have found that being thankful for what they have increases the inflow.   Gratitude is a great mind magnet, and when expressed from the spiritual standpoint, it is powerfully augmented.”

     Observers of this philosophy might think this smacks of giving thanks to GET more. Let’s analyze this a bit. Being thankful changes your physiology. It changes your magnetic vibration. A prayer of grace at the dinner table elevates the appreciation of the meal. We become aware of all the nuances of the meal. But more than this, conscious gratitude lifts your awareness out of dense physical matter, the kingdom of ‘Thingdom,’ into a less dense energetic matter. Your awareness has gone from the material effect to the energetic cause. If you were viewing this from the viewpoint of Spirit, then thankfulness is a teaching tool.   In kindergarten, once you learn the ABCs, you can’t forget them. Your awareness has been elevated! Marcus Tullius Cicero: “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all others.” Meister Eckhart: “If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice. “

     Still, I think of the blessings in my life as evidence that this is God’s loving awareness of me.   This is why I keep an EVIDENCE JOURNAL. This way of thinking reinforces the process more deeply within me.   I need this deep awareness because I thought I was alone for much of my life. I learned, however, that I was never alone, that the God Particle flowed into my vehicle with that first breath.

Rev. Pat



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